Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Watch Your Sugar Intake

I was reading an article that spoke about being on a diet and trying to watch your sugar intake. This can get to be a chore if you eat out a lot or even a little bit. I thought to myself that is an interesting point, seeing that so many things these days have sugar in them. Even things that you wouldn't think would have a high sugar content.

Although I am not one of those people that really watch labels or count calories I do watch the labels for words that have multiple syllables or for words that end in "ose" like dextrose, fructose, lactose you get the picture. These are all sugars that can be found in foods that we eat. Things like sauce, ketchup, dressings. Always get these extras on the side so you can control how much you take in.

Just so you know the body does not distinguish between the sugars, whether it is found naturally in the food or it is added. We should still be conscious of the amount of naturally occurring sugar that you take in because the sugar content adds up.

Now you can't eliminate sugars from your diet because the body needs it to produce energy for us to keep moving. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), say that sugars do have a role in a healthy diet. However, if you are overweight or you are not an active person then you should consider reducing your caloric intake. My best advice to you is to be very vigilant.

Always remember to take life one day at a time.

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